
The postgraduate Department of Physics was upgraded to approved research center in Physics under Mahatma Gandhi University on 23/08/2022. The major areas of research include Material Science, Plasma Physics, Space Plasma, Astrophysics, Nano Materials, Biophysics etc. The department is supported by Star College Scheme of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. There is a well-equipped instrumentation center associated with the department and it includes major equipment’s like FTIR Spectrometer, Zetasizer Nano, Spin Coater, Impedance Analyzer, 8 inch optical cassegrain Telescope etc
The postgraduate and research department of Physics became an authorized research center of Physics in 2022. The research center is actively involved in dynamic research in Material Science, Plasma Physics, Space Plasma, and Astrophysics and in Nanomaterials. The department has received various grants from the funding agencies like UGC, KSCSTE etc. The research center was successful in publishing 87 publications in indexed journals in the past years. The department was conducted various international conference (ICRAPS- International Conference on Recent Advances in Physical Science) and workshops every year to facilitate research aptitude in our students.
Sl.No | Name of Research Guides | Official Designation of Research Guide | Date of retirement |
1 | Dr. Anu Philip | HoD & Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Bharata Mata College Material Science | 31.03.2043 |
2 | Dr. Manesh Michael | Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Bharata Mata College | 31.03.2051 |